In today’s modern world, Sustainability is shaping the building form of architecture in different ways. This article on archEstudy contains some of the examples of sustainability in modern architectural form.
Sustainability, in this modern world, is shaping the building form in different ways in the present context of architecture. These days when we say about sustainable architecture has a direct connection with nature. As we can develop it from an environment that has already been built. To make the ecological design by not reducing the present resources when approaches to zero collective ideas.
- The four most important goals which approach of sustainable design are:
- To make it energy efficient over the entire life cycle of the building are:
- By increasing its ability
- To capture energy by its own To generate energy on its own
- By the incorporation of renewable energy sources.
A sustainable approach to any building that minimizes the cost and complexity by taking the advantage of a passive system for energy needs. Various architectural strategies have developed over time.
1. The Museum of Tomorrow
[Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

The Museum of Tomorrow is a science museum in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Spanish neo-futuristic architect Santiago Calatrava designed Museum of tomorrow. It has been built next to the waterfront at Pier Maua. The Roberto Marinho Foundation supports its construction. Its costs approximately 230 million Reais. The president Dilma Rouseff inaugurated Museum of Tomorrow on December 17, 2015.
This design describes the relationship between the city and the natural environment. The oriented buildings that are in North-south are off the centre of piers. Longitudinal east-west axis, from where one can see the leisure areas along with the southern length of piers. It is due to container landscaping of beautiful garden parts. Mainly Local materials are used in this building.
- Museum of tomorrow has innovative features like:
- Rainwater harvesting is reversible to maximize energy absorption.
- Solar panels that move with the sun
- The water funnel from Gyunabara Bay is used for air conditioning.
The best innovation green building (LEED gold-certified) in Brazil has made water conservation their priority but recycling water that is used in washbasin, sinks, and shower.
2. Vancouver Convention Centre West – Examples of Sustainability in modern architecture forms
[Vancouver, Canada]

To build an environmentally sustainable structure as much as possible, the Vancouver Convention Centre is Din by using the latest green technology to adopt sustainable operating practices. Marine Habitat is built by the foundation of the West building of restaurants that has a home of the 6-acre living room for four beehives with European bees. There is a proper treatment for Blackwater for washrooms and rooftop irrigation. In Canada, they have this modern form of architecture in double LEED Platinum-certified building in which natural light and ventilation are encouraged which is the most environmentally responsive step.
3. Shanghai tower

The Shanghai Tower contributes the greenery to its built environment by sufficient energy efficiency. It’s one of the most beautiful skyscrapers of 2015. This building has persuaded green development Strategies and got labelled in the LEED design project in 2015.
- This bioclimatic design includes sustainable features like,
- Water reduction by up to 40%.
- Energy cost reduction by up to 21%.
- Exterior lighting is facilitated by wind turbines at the top of the building tower.
- $58M is saved by the geometry of the building.
- Ventilated Atrium and double skin curtain wall reduce energy and help in insulation.
4. Marco Polo Tower
[Hamburg, Germany]

By keeping the sustainable initiatives at the forefront to create the ecological design in the high-class residential building of 85-metre-high, Discovery encourages the use of solar panels to produce renewable energy by which this power is used to cool the buildings throughout. They discovered this vacuum collector that is on the roof which is basically a heat exchanger which turns heat into cooling system in entire building. They have also installed a sound Yeh Tower that makes the natural ventilation without creating noise pollution. The overhanging task protects from the direct sun rays so that additional sun shadings are not required.
5. Bosco Verticale – Examples of Sustainability in modern architecture forms
[Milan, Italy]

Bosco Verticale, the residential building created the ecological Habitat and increased the biodiversity by incorporating Green vertical terraces. Desires to towers of 110 meters and 80 meters in height. The balcony is thick enough for the plantation and extended out in an irregular manner, over which plants grow to a maximum height of 30 feet. These plants are used to suck carbon emission and dust particles also produce oxygen which protects the building from radiation and noise pollution. During winters these plants allow the sunlight to warm the interior of the building. These plants are irrigated by greywater from the building.
The Vertical Forest is an architectural concept which replaces traditional materials on urban surfaces using the changing polychromy of leaves for its walls. The biological architect relies on a screen of vegetation, needing to create a suitable microclimate and filter sunlight, and rejecting the narrow technological and mechanical approach to environmental sustainability.
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