OMA is building the Underwater Art Park in Miami. 7- Mile long underground water park will stretch from South Beach to north beach and will be visible while snorkeling. The ReefLine is the name of this underground sculpture park.
The origin of Underwater Art Park
Designers of this Project – Underwater Art Park are Partner Shohei Shigemitsu with Associate Christy Cheng and OMA New York. The ReefLine project focused more on endangered reef organisms and promoting environmental awareness.

The origin of The ReefLine arises when the art director, Ximena Caminos of BlueLab Preservation Society, came to know about artificial reefs can be added to promote the coral population. The team hopes for the resilience of the ocean ecosystem. The roofline will be composed of geometric concrete modules, spiral staircases will be arranged in a circle, and an artificial coral environment. In the future company is planning to add natural Coral reefs and biodiversity.
“Like the circular formation of the atoll, a series of sinuous spiral stairs create a three-dimensional structure reminiscent of marine life,” said OMA. The circular formation gives an amazing look and artistic credibility to the park. Leandro Erlich will create an underwater incarnation of his popular sand-sculpted “traffic jam”. Which was commissioned by the City of Miami Beach during Art Week Miami Beach 2019.
Shohei Shigematsu, head of the firm’s New York office Office said. “The roofline is a unique project that brings attention to and mitigates the dangers of climate change in Miami Beach, while simultaneously enriching the city’s vivid art scene,”

Emotional affinity toward Nature
The installed artworks will be made of materials similar to the structure. These installed artworks will be like an extension of the coral reef. While working towards the environment OMA is using environmentally friendly products.

Caminos, who is also the founder of BlueLab Preservation Society, and a curatorial advisory board stated “The ReefLine will provide structure for corals and sponges to naturally colonize, adding biodiversity to an area that is currently an underwater desert of sand,” Caminos told. Argentinian curator Ximena Caminos and Shohei Shigematsu, head of the firm’s New York office, intended to raise awareness of rising sea levels and coral damage.
The roofline is planned to begin next year and will be completed in seven stages. The roofline was made in collaboration with Coral Morphologic and the University of Miami Researchers, and it is supported by the City of Miami Beach. The project’s first mile is slated to open in 2021. ReefLine is one of the underwater projects like a restaurant in Norway by Snøhetta. A Maldives villa with a bedroom under the sea, and the Coral Greenhouse by Jason deCaires Taylor.
Underwater Art Park to save the environment
In recent years, the coral lively hue is disappearing and increasing water temperature has bleached the colony’s white. The reef project is started with a concern for coral life. The artificial reef environment is made using concrete and limestone as these substances resemble the original Coral Reef substance. Like another underwater construction project, this project has high expectations.

The ReefLine project seems to be an amalgamation of art and architecture with a limelight concerning environmental issues. The project’s major concern is endangered ocean organisms. The formation of an artificial environment will let ocean creatures live without any threat.
This project will bring a new perspective on water and architecture, Caminos said
“The water will also provide a change in perspective and gravity. Architects and designers are very excited by those opportunities that shift perspectives.”
Overall, The ReefLine project started with the intention to improve the ocean environment and now is a major underwater art project. Visitors who swim along the ReefLine will find the experience to be magical.
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